

Multimedia group that revolves around M6, France’s second commercial television channel, a family of highly complementary digital channels and diversification activities developed around a powerful brand.

Multimedia Group
Acquisition Date:
Exit Date:

M6 Group is a French multimedia group established in 1987 around the commercial TV channel M6 and that offers a wide range of programming, products and services. The Group has gradually expanded its offerings from its core commercial television activities into 4 mains pillars:

  • Television broadcasting — with 3 free (M6, W9, 6ter) and 5 paid (Paris Première, Téva, sérieclub, M6 Music, Girondins TV) channels financed through ads and distributors
  • Radio — with 3 stations (RTL, RTL2, Fun Radio) following the acquisition in 2017 of RTL Radio France (the first private radio group in France)
  • Content acquisition and production of media content — through Studio 89, M6 Studio, M6 Films…
  • Diversification – centered around 3 segments i.e. music and shows production, digital content (the 6play platform) and home & online shopping (M6 Boutique)

CNP invested in M6 in 2006. In 2022, CNP sold its entire stake via an accelerated book-built offering.

Press release